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DAM: what does Digital Asset Management mean?

DAM stands for Digital Asset Management.
It is a software platform which helps people create, organise and distribute digital content on all channels.

DAM acronym: what does Digital Asset Management actually mean?

DAM is software which allows you to centralise all an organisation’s multimedia content, as if it were a sort of library of digital assets.

There are numerous DAM software on the market.

Some are limited to being simple archives, while others support the entire lifecycle of a digital asset because they allow any content to be centralised, enriched, searched for, shared and published.

What is the difference between a DAM and a MAM?

Often the term MAM is considered synonymous with DAM, but they are different tools.

The difference between DAM and MAM (Media Asset Management) is simple: while the first manages all types of digital assets, the second supports the management of audio and video content.

What is a digital assets and what does DAM software allow you to manage?

First and foremost, what is a digital asset?

In short, a digital asset is multimedia content (image, video, audio or document) created by the organisation for the purposes of productivity or communication.

Content can be called digital assets if it is enriched by one or more piece of metadata, a kind of label that enriches its informational reach

The best DAM software packages manage any digital file format and relative metadata.

digital asset management THRON platform and creativity

The features of Digital Asset Management software allows you to:


In other words, centralise and archive all content.


By structuring the repository into consistent spaces.


Enhancing the content with information (metadata).


Filtering and finding any required asset immediately.


To keep track of all an asset’s updates.


By drawing and structuring digital workflows.


By establishing access and permission for content.


By making the assets available to teams and colleagues.


By publishing on channels such as websites and e-commerce.

With the best Digital Assets Management software you can:

DAM esempio associazione dati prodotto e asset digitale

Associate product data with assets

Without having to pay the licensing and integration costs of PIM software.

digital asset management ottimizzazione per canali digitali diversi

optimise assets

Letting the platform adapt the content to each channel.

pubblicazione omnicanale DAM software

Deliver straight
to the channels

And touchpoints are updated in real time whenever an asset is modified.

What are the advantages of SaaS Digital Asset Management software?

Now we know what DAM means and what Digital Asset Management software does, we can look at what benefits it can offer.

In particular, we will refer to the advantages of adopting a SaaS DAM software (Software as a Service), one of the applications which as well as offering the benefits of cloud platforms, in other words zero maintenance costs and maximum performance, has an impact on the entire organisation.

It is a corporate source of truth

A DAM is the sole source of truth for the organisation because it is a centralised system in which all file types converge.

With a DAM software, there are no copies – the system manages the most up-to-date version of all content, and, when required, the previous ones.

It preserves your know-how

Digital Asset Management solutions allow digital assets to be organised securely.

The spaces where the pieces of content are stored are accessible only to the users and groups who have been granted specific viewing permissions.

It makes searches instantaneous

A Digital Asset Management tool allows you to enrich digital content with a series of information which describes and contextualises it: metadata.

These data enable the indexing of the assets which, in turn, speeds up searches from any location or device.

It increases collaboration

The centralisation offered by a content management platform also involves collaboration.

A hub for digital asset automates activities and workflows, preventing the processes from being managed in an unstructured fashion on many different tools.

It reduces manual work

A DAM digitises operational activities relating to the lifecycle of content, allowing you to save time.

For example, distributing digital assets with a tool of this type allows all communication channels to be updated automatically, without manual intervention.

It offers an omnichannel experience

Not only the company benefits from a hub which centralises digital assets.

Updating the content present on all touchpoints in real time means users – whether they are partners or B2B or B2C customers – perceive the brand as consistent, regardless of the channel used.

A DAM is valuable for all teams


Infinite assets, zero copies. One hub to collaborate, research and publish.


Marketplace and online shop updated in real time and without manual labour.


Approval and distribution flows are 100% digital. And efficiency flies.

Digital & CIO

It governs the ecosystem of digital business processes through APIs and connectors.

Information Technology

A single, secure platform for the company’s most valuable asset: its digital assets.

Let us tell you everything we know about DAM

We have been supporting companies like yours on Digital Asset Management issues for over 20 years.
We look forward to sharing everything we have learnt with you.

What software does a DAM integrate with?

The cross-cutting nature of a Digital Asset Management platform makes it central in organisations, to the point where the ability to integrate this software is a crucial aspect.

The most important integration: DAM and PIM

Having the DAM software communicate with the PIM software is essential.

By integrating the systems, it is indeed possible to associate all content with the product data it represents, simplifying the company’s activities on the various channels with which it communicates.

DAM software esempio tagging

But digital transformation can go further

In many organisations, PIM and DAM are two distinct tools. Nevertheless, there are solutions with both Digital Asset Management and Product Information Management functionality.

A platform which includes DAM and PIM, as well as enabling combined management of assets and data, simplifies the technological stack, breaks down the silos between different teams (e.g. marketing and product) and means zero costs for integrating different applications.

Here is an example.

Other software which a DAM can be integrated with

CMS platforms for websites

To make publication on any site instantaneous.

CMS platforms for e-commerce

For constant delivery on online shops.

Adobe CC
Graphical suites for creative teams

To accelerate the creation and archiving tasks.

User experience
User Experience tools

To enrich the user exerience thanks to the assets.

Tool for IT security

To securely manage access, permission and more.

Any other tool via API

With APIs, a SaaS DAM can be integrated with any tool.

A DAM system supports lots of sectors

You, however, do not stop at categories.

These areas were just examples.
Digital Asset Management is crucial for every company.

Clues that your organisation need a Digital Asset Management software

Now we know what the term DAM means, and that a tool for managing assets is more than just an archive for sharing files or rich media, how can you understand whether your company needs one? 

Every organisation is unique, but there are some clues which can guide us.

Content spread everywhere

If the content is stored in network folders and file sharing services, it is not available to everyone in the organisation who could need it.

With a DAM, you can organise marketing materials into accessible spaces according to predetermined visibility rules and other permissions. You also avoid any duplication.

Finding assets takes time

Another clue that a Digital Asset Management platform would be a good idea is the time required to find an image, video, audio file or other file or document you need.

Does it take more than just a few seconds? A DAM’s indexing and filters can save your productivity.

Sharing is a hassle

If sharing larger files within the company is a problem, a DAM is the ideal solution. .

The same applies if exchanging content between marketing teams of different divisions with the sales team, dealers or any other partner requires a lot of manual work.

You “collaborate” with… e-mail

E-mail messages are not ideal for collaboration – they are just for distributing information.

Things already get complicated with content – particularly when it comes to large file sizes or unusual formats. If you need to assign activities, manage approvals or exchange feedback on the digital assets, then forget it!

Multiple communication channels

With so many touchpoints, each piece of content must be optimised according to the attributes required by the specific channel and published on a case-by-case basis.

A web app to manage digital assets lowers operating time. Particularly when it also supports product information management.

With THRON you go beyond DAM

Want to know more about our unique platform? DAM and PIM in one software, so you can rule all your digital assets and any data or information from your products together and without duplication.