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Today is an happy day for us. And for our clients.

THRON Workflow has arrived.

The THRON expansion that allows users to design approval workflows, collaborate with colleagues and exchange feedbacks without ever leaving the THRON PLATFORM.

Completely no-code and user-centred, Workflow centralise user experience maximising their autonomy.



This expansion is the first milestone of THRON 7, the new generation of our platform, which – release after release – will be reaching further and further beyond DAM.

We’re very proud of THRON WORKFLOW because it enables team collaboration. And makes the full lifecycle content management possible directly from the platform.

This is one reason why Forrester Research – amongst the world’s top MarTech analysts – has included us in the Now Tech Marketing Resource Management 1Q2022, report about global MRM solutions.

THRON workflow design example

Our vision of digital workflows

We have a very clear idea of what digital workflows should be like.

We’ve summarised it in the three goals we set ourselves when developing THRON WORKFLOW.

  • Autonomy. To make digital processes accessible to all.
    The primary goal is to make workflows creation and management simple. This is why the builder is 100% no code and you can design flows in an agile and efficient manner.
  • Collaboration. THRON is the seat of power, where digital assets are not only managed and distributed but approved too.
    With THRON WORKFLOW, marketers don’t need to exit the platform to exchange feedbacks. Minimise IT fragmentation, maximise productivity.
  • Control. The expansion is totally integrated in THRON PLATFORM and enables the total monitoring of activities. Not forgetting security: the expansion allows different access rights to be allocated to the various teams. 
overview of digital asset workflows in THRON WORKFLOW

What makes THRON WORKFLOW unique

Direct delivery without duplication

THRON PLATFORM does not copy the assets to the communication channels but publishes the most up-to-date version of them in real time. 

THRON WORKFLOW expands this feature because once a content has been approved, THRON will publish it directly on marketing channels.

If the workflow relates to an asset that has already being delivered it is possible to set that once the approval steps have been carried out, the most up-to-date content automatically replaces the previous version.

User experience

This has always been our guiding beacon.
With THRON WORKFLOW our Design and Development teams have gone even further.

As mentioned before the workflows builder is totally no-code.

In this way, any user is autonomous in building the content creation flows needed to achieve his or her goals. The platform flexibility enables the creation of customised workflows, depending on the needs encountered.

We’re becoming more and more aware of how crucial user autonomy is for the achievement of brands goals.

THRON WORKFLOW powerfully simplifies every process.

Forget complex configurations and programming codes.

THRON WORKFLOW is the first step towards the Platform of the future.

Amongst its various goals, it will set out to offer the user total governance.

This is one reason why, with the release of THRON WORKFLOW, the platform’s menu has evolved to unify access between the DAM Platform and the new expansion and make it even more immediate.

3 benefits of working with THRON workflows

  • Flexibility, because THRON WORKFLOW means simplicity.
    The completely no-code interface enables users to design flows with no need for technical programming skills. For agile collaboration with colleagues and external stakeholders.
  • Agility, because THRON WORKFLOW means centralisation.
    The expansion and the DAM Platform are one. The processes for the creation and approval of assets are managed by a single platform, which handles their lifecycle from creation to distribution on communication channels.
  • Security, because THRON WORKFLOW is not just power.
    The solution enables granular rights management of the internal or external teams involved in specific flows or single tasks.


THRON WORKFLOW allows to design workflows in 3 simple, guided steps.

After deciding which users will have access and with which rights over the workflow, you have to:

  1. Forget the code. THRON WORKFLOW builder is a whiteboard at your disposal. From there you can design flows with maximum flexibility, depending on the needs of the teams working together.
  2. Make your own rules. Collaboration is in real time, directly in the platform. In addition to increasing productivity, you can define manual or automatic asset progression rules based on feedback such as likes and dislikes.
  3. Enjoy the result. Once the workflow is complete the asset is automatically updated in the DAM Library and, consequently, in the marketing channels in which it is delivered. In this way the time-to-market of communication is minimised.

Easy, isn’t it? And we assure you it’s even quicker in practice.

Want to take a look? Let us know by filling in the form below. We can’t wait to have you try out the new THRON! 

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