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PLATUM's electrifying journey towards digital governance

16,000 Digital Assets
2,000 Products
+25 Markets

In short:


  • Having full control of assets and product data
  • Create an integrated digital ecosystem
  • Make B2B and B2C workflows agile


  • -97% time spent searching for content and information
  • Thousands of hours of manual labour saved
  • 100% accessibility of data and assets

It all started when

The sudden development of PLATUM has shed light on the scope for improvement on two very connected fronts: the organisational and the technological.

Until then, in fact, content and information were not immediately available to all teams, but located within servers maintained by the IT area and the responsibility of individual teams.

The imperfectly structured technological infrastructure slowed down the sharing of assets with B2B dealers and did not support the optimisation and publication of content on websites and e-commerce.

A holistic approach was needed.
Maximum integration between existing information systems was needed.
It needed inclusive governance available to each team and on any asset or data.


  • The high integrability and API of the SaaS platform
  • the scalability of the solution to support business growth
  • the certainty of accessing the most up-to-date version of assets and data
  • the rapid and instantaneous sharing of any content
  • the direct delivery that automatically updates each web channel.

From shared folders to a single platform

“With 17 websites to feed and hundreds of B2B customers we had no alternative but to put the product at the centre”. 

Carlo AntonelliE-commerce & Digital Director

PLATUM’s scooters and electric bikes ride on the asphalt of any continent.

Digital assets and product data have to adapt to local dealer strategies, the preferences of various consumer segments and specific national legislation.

The result is a complex information asset that must be governed for everyone, especially those involved in online business, who use images, videos and descriptions to narrate and sell the product.

Before THRON, any PLATUM content was scattered across the network folders of company servers: from Christmas party photos to supplier contracts to product shots.

For Carlo and his team, this was an inefficient situation for two reasons.

We always needed to wait for feedback from some colleague to get the right data. Then, having to publish and update thousands of pieces of content and information on so many channels by hand, our energy was only absorbed by operations“.


Thanks to THRON PLATFORM, Carlo and his team have: 

A single source of truth generates autonomy and agility 

“To update a word or a number of a product I would manually adjust each channel. With 2,000 SKUs it was definitely not an efficient process”. 

Valentina ErraMarketplace & Digital Content Specialist

Before adopting THRON, PLATUM’s product information point of reference was a large group of Excel spreadsheets, fed in an unstructured and asynchronous manner by different teams.

For Valentina, who feeds the product sheets for e-commerce and the various marketplaces where the brand is present, this situation was a major drag on productivity.

Until yesterday I depended on many different departments and the data I needed was scattered. Every morning I would look for them, upload them and associate them with images and videos. It was a sub-optimal management of my time, having to manage over 2,000 SKUs on dozens of web channels, with daily updates on every touchpoint“.

With THRON PIM and THRON DAM, Valentina has: 

The focus shifts from operations to creativity 

16,000 digital assets scattered, heavy, with infinite versions each and to be published on many different channels”. 

Domenico CilibrasiGraphic Designer

PLATUM products and accessories are complex.

Each of them is narrated by a rich array of high quality multimedia content such as product shots, demo clips, data sheets.

Assets scattered throughout the organisation and of significant size, which circulated very slowly through unstructured channels such as chat, e-mail and file sharing tools.

Also adding to Domenico’s burden were the constant revisions of distributed content, which, in the absence of controlled archiving, resulted in the proliferation of copies.

Before THRON I had reached a point where the activity of creating new visuals only held a relative slice of my time, to be squeezed in between many manual tasks such as research, optimisation, sharing, publishing and various updates“.

With THRON DAM, Domenico has: 

Productivity and B2B CX (now) flying 

Contributing to business goals is complex if for each B2B customer I share images, price lists and product cards by hand every day”.

Leonardo GiustiAccount Manager

B2B customers are the voice of the brand. To disseminate it properly, dealers need up-to-date materials to support their marketing strategies.

Before THRON landed at PLATUM, Leonardo spent several hours a day answering individual requests for brochures, flyers, prices and product descriptions.

In short, the time to do new business could be optimised.

I was working in a less-than-perfect flow, which started with a complex search in the multitude of company assets and resulted in constant queries to marketing colleagues, followed by slow and laborious downloads to his PC, uploads to online sharing tools and endless e-mails“.

With THRON DAM, Leonardo has: 

An integrated digital ecosystem

The maintenance of servers and custom tools had rendered my team a mere help desk at the service of others, with implication for corporate IT security”.

Fulvio RontiniIT Manager

In response to the teams’ operational needs, we in the IT department had built a digital infrastructure that relied on a large number of folders within a shared server.

A choice that entailed high doses of manual work in terms of maintenance and updates, as well as constant efforts to cope with constant requests from colleagues.

An approach hardly compatible with sustainable and valuable growth of business processes.

When systems are not integrated, the bridge between them is people’s time and keyboards, with all that this entails in terms of errors, in the total absence of solid security. An example? The long flow of product data, from ERP to e-commerce“.

With THRON PLATFORM, Fulvio renewed PLATUM’s technological infrastructure and today: 

Destination continuous improvement

The path to the future is well marked.

With THRON at our side, we have improved our customers’ experience and gain essential data to continue evolving not only the experience itself, but also our products”. 

Thus, Carlo Antonelli, coordinator of a project in which two different realities collaborated but were united by a similar philosophy: going beyond what is known, making a difference for the future.


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